Renew or activate signature

Electronic signature activation

How to activate NEW
Certum's electronic signature?

Activate a Signature

Electronic signature renewal

Renewal of Certum's e-signature
step by step

Renew a Signature

proCertum SmartSign

with SimplySign Desktop software

The proCertum SmartSign software is an app used to create and verify a secure electronic signature verified with a valid qualified certificate. The app allows management of electronic documents, their electronic signing and verification of electronic signatures and public key certificates issued by all certification centers in Poland.

It also includes the SimplySign Desktop module, which emulates the connection of a physical cryptographic card and card reader to the user’s computer. With this solution, you will be able to use SimplySign in apps requiring the use of a physical cryptographic card at no additional cost.


proCertum SmartSign is a software component of a secure device for creating and verifying secure electronic signatures in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 23, 2014. OJ L No. 257, p.73).


Download proCertum SmartSign + SimplySign Desktop for personal computers

proCertum SmartSign

Feature Details

Supported formats


Supported signature types

External, internal, countersignature, parallel

Supported QCA

Certum, CenCert, KIR, PWPW-Sigillum

Supported CA

X.509 compliant

TS support


Technical support

Help line + online (during help line working hours)

Language versions

PL and EN

Software adapted to the decision European Commission regarding the reference signature format



Supported formats

Supported signature types

Supported QCA

Supported CA

TS support

Technical support

Language versions

Software adapted to the decision European Commission regarding the reference signature format



External, internal, countersignature, parallel

Certum, CenCert, KIR, PWPW-Sigillum

X.509 compliant


Help line + online (during help line working hours)

PL and EN


Technical requirements:

  • Internet access,
  • operating system:
    • Windows: Windows 10, Windows 11
    • Linux: Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Centos, Fedora, in desktop environments: Cinnamon, MATE and KDE Plasma
    • Mac OS X: from  Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma
  • PC/laptop 64bit

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